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Premade Book Cover Requests

If you can't find a pre-made book cover design for your book on my website I also take requests. These requests will be fulfilled at least once a week, if not sooner, and added to my website.

Once I've designed the pre-made book cover you'll hear about it first if you join my mailing list. There is no commitment to buy the covers but it just gives me ideas of what I should be designing.

And something worth pointing out is that Authors sometimes tend to think in terms of scenes for covers. This is not what makes a good book cover. But don't worry, below you'll find some good reading on this subject, which will help you think differently:

If you have a vision for your book cover that's more specific than just something simple like 'A vampire in the wild west', 'a sad woman looking in a regency dress' or 'a robot parrot on the shoulder of a robot pirate' then the best of course of action is to commission me to do that work.

By filling in the form below what happens is that I'll be making more pre-made covers that get put up on my website for anyone to buy. But this way I can just make book covers quickly and you get to select one for a cheap price.

So yeah, if you have a vision for your book cover that's more specific than just something simple like 'A vampire in the wild west', 'a sad woman looking in a regency dress' or 'a robot parrot on the shoulder of a robot pirate' then the best of course of action is to commission me to do that work.

Give me your quick ideas of things you might need below. You can fill in the form below as many times as you want.

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